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Cumberland, RI 02864


Fewer Implants, Greater Stability, Full Functionality

Your jawbone is a vital component to the success of any dental implant procedure. If you recently visited your dentist and learned you are ineligible for traditional implants because you lack the necessary bone density, do not feel discouraged. Fortunately, there is an alternative solution that will give you the same great results with fewer implant posts. All-On-4 is a unique way to enjoy the permanency of dental implants without the additional need for bone grafting. If you are interested in learning whether this option is right for you, contact our team at Diamond Hill Dental today and schedule an appointment.

How Do All-On-4 Implants Work?

All-on-4 implant surgery

Instead of relying on six or even eight dental implant posts, All-On-4 requires only the use of four dental implants. Once our team examines your oral cavity and identifies the densest areas of your jawbone, we can properly plan your treatment in a way that uses these locations to adequately support your new smile.

During the surgical procedure, your implant dentist will position two of the posts toward the back of your mouth at a 45-degree angle. The other two implants will be placed toward the front of your mouth to create a balanced and solid foundation for your customized denture when put into place.

Am I a Candidate for All-On-4 Implants?

Dentist explaining a procedure

Knowing whether you are a candidate for All-On-4 requires scheduling a consultation with your dentist. It is during this visit that we will use advanced dental technology to pinpoint areas of your bone and gum tissue that may be lacking in density. While it is not necessary to have ample jawbone for this procedure, you will need to possess healthy gums and positive overall health The placement of these implants requires minor oral surgery, so you’ll need to be healthy enough to ensure it is a success.

What Are the Benefits of All-On-4 Implants?

Couple smiling

All-On-4 offers some unique benefits that you may be unaware of, such as:

  • The opportunity to embrace a more youthful appearance because your dental implants fill out your facial shape and prevent sagging or “collapse.”
  • The ability to embrace a stronger jawbone because of the continuous stimulation provided by the implant posts each time you bite down or chew while eating.
  • Permanent prosthetics that will not slip or fall out while speaking or eating with friends or family.
  • The ability to embrace a greater bite force and chewing power, so you can eat the foods you love.
  • An easier way to clean your teeth and maintain better oral health through the years.

All-On-4 vs. Traditional Dental Implants

All-on-4 on the lower arch

If you think there isn’t much difference between All-On-4 and traditional dental implants, you’ll be surprised to learn:

  • All-On-4 requires no preliminary bone grafting. Unlike traditional implants that need a strong and stable foundation, All-On-4 identifies the densest areas and uses those to support your new prosthetics.
  • All-on-4 will cost you less because you only need four dental implants instead of between four and eight.
  • You may be eligible to receive your new denture the same day as your All-On-4 procedure. This will depend on your individual case and whether our team believes it will be a positive solution at that particular time.