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Smart Filling Removal

The Smart Choice for Your Smile

Man in blue shirt sitting in dental chair

Amalgam fillings used to be the norm for treating decayed teeth, but nowadays the mercury they contain is cause for concern. It may be a good idea to have amalgam fillings removed for the sake of your health – and the safest way to do so is with the SMART protocol. Please call us today if you have an amalgam filling that you would like to have replaced. Dr. Abernethy is ready to take the necessary steps to protect your smile!

Why Choose Diamond Hill Dental for Amalgam Filling Removal?

  • Natural-Looking Tooth-Colored Fillings
  • Two Knowledgeable Dental Experts
  • A Team That Puts Your Wants and Needs First

Why Are Amalgam Fillings Bad?

Illustration of teeth with amalgam fillings

The amalgam used for fillings is composed of a variety of materials, but roughly 45% to 55% of it consists of elemental mercury. Said mercury can gradually turn into vapor, causing you to breathe it in. This can be a very serious issue, as it could put some patients at a higher risk for specific health problems. Possible side effects of high levels of mercury in the body include fatigue, shaking, mood disorders, problems sleeping, memory issues, changes in hearing, and coordination difficulties.

What Is SMART?

Female dental patient giving a thumbs up

If you’re concerned about the impact that an amalgam filling might have on your health, you may want to have it removed and replaced with a tooth-colored filling. However, the removal process needs to be handled with care so that you aren’t exposed to too much mercury vapor. This is where the SMART protocol comes in.

SMART stands for “Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique.” The protocol involves taking a number of steps to minimize potential exposure to mercury. These steps include:

  • Putting a rubber dam around the tooth in question to reduce the chances of mercury being inhaled or swallowed.
  • Using high-speed suction to get rid of mercury waste.
  • Providing the patient with protective gowns and covers to stop the aerosolized mercury from getting directly onto their clothes or hair.
  • Delivering air or oxygen through a nasal mask.

These are just a few of the steps involved with the SMART protocol. Many other measures will be taken to ensure that the amalgam removal is performed in the safest possible way.

Benefits of SMART

Woman with striped shirt standing outside and smiling

Some people are reluctant to have their amalgam fillings removed or replaced, but rest assured that it’s a decision that can prove beneficial in the long run. Once your amalgam filling is gone, you will no longer have to worry about the impact that mercury could be having on your body. And if you get a tooth-colored filling instead, you’ll be able to enjoy the aesthetic benefits of a restoration that blends in with your natural smile.

By choosing a dentist who utilizes the SMART protocol, you can have your amalgam filling taken out in a safe manner that ensures that your body is protected from the ill effects of mercury exposure.